Blog Post

Enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner

  • By Dr. Shannon Evans, DO, IFMCP
  • 21 Nov, 2019

Did you know you can still have an enjoyable Thanksgiving meal that is delicious, clean and your body won’t go into freak out mode with what you just ate?

I wanted to share some of my favorite things for Thanksgiving dinner that makes me feel satisfied, happy, spoiled and my body doesn’t hate me later…

Turkey & Turkey Gravy

Yes, I like to enjoy turkey along with everyone else.  There is also turkey gravy that can be made gluten & dairy free:  I like to substitute almond flour for corn starch.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a great alternative to white potatoes.  Sweet potatoes can be made in many delicious ways including mashed, baked, twice baked, cubed & roasted:  Here is another recipe idea for sweet potatoes:

Mashed Cauliflower

Another alternative to potatoes is mashed cauliflower:

Brussel Sprouts

As a child, I remember having a hate relationship with Brussel sprouts, so I was afraid to try them as an adult.  I am so glad that as an adult, I tried them again because Brussel sprouts are one of my favorite sides!  I like roasted Brussel sprouts the best:

Green Bean Casserole

For those of you that love green bean casseroles, there are healthy, deliciously options:  I recommend using almond flour as an all-purpose flour substitute.


Are you crazy about stuffing?  If you are unable to have gluten, here is a gluten free option:

Cranberry Sauce

For some people, Thanksgiving dinner is not complete without cranberry sauce.  Cranberry sauce can be just as tasty without the refined sugars…

Pumpkin Desserts

What about dessert?  If the cranberry sauce does not satisfy your sweet tooth, a pumpkin dessert might.  I love any type of pumpkin dessert.  I am also a big fan of chocolate.  What if the two were combined?  Here is a clean, fabulous dessert with pumpkin & chocolate:

Here are some other recipe ideas for pumpkin desserts:

Pumpkin pie recipe:

I am always grateful when I eat clean for Thanksgiving dinner so I am not suffering afterwards and can enjoy the company of my family.

What are your favorite foods or dishes for Thanksgiving Dinner?

Do you have health concerns and don’t know where to start?  Schedule a FREE 15 minute consult with New Beginnings Functional Medicine Clinic @ 970-305-0101 or email

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