Blog Post

Hello Fall!        Original Post 10/12/18

  • By Shannon Evans, DO, IFMCP
  • 29 Mar, 2019

Are you as crazy & excited about pumpkin as I am?  

Pumpkin actually has some great health benefits! 

PUMPKIN contains:

  • Beta carotene, which is important to keep your eyes and skin healthy
  • Beta carotene can also be converted to vitamin A by your body, which is important to help your body fight off infection.
  • Fiber, which aids in digestion and helps you to have regular, soft bowel movements
  • Vitamin C, which is needed for the growth & repair of all your tissues in your body.  Heals wounds.  Helps your body absorb iron.  And so much more…

Don’t throw away the seeds…Pumpkin seeds are delicious & also have great nutritional benefits:

  • Magnesium, which participates in several important functions in your body including making energy, helping your heart pump, formation of your bones, helping your digestive tract function and so much more…
  • Zinc, which supports your immune system, helps with your sleep, mood, sense of smell, sense of taste, eye and skin health
  • Tryptophan, which is an amino acid (protein building block), may help you to sleep better

There are so many ways to enjoy pumpkin:  lattes, puddings, pizza crust, pumpkin butter, gluten free bread & smoothies to name a few…I enjoy eating pumpkin as a pudding.

Here is a link to a Pumpkin Chia Pudding Recipe:

Share with us on our Facebook page @NewBeginningsFunctionalMedicine your favorite way you enjoy eating pumpkin.

Did you know that research shows us that nutritional deficiencies are connected with the onset and progression of many chronic diseases?

If you have a chronic disease/illness and would like to know how Functional Medicine can help, schedule your FREE 15 minute consultation with New Beginnings by contacting New Beginnings via phone at 970-305-0101 or email at


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